Antony & Cleopatra
Contact Mr. Tyburn
Click here to listen to
a new lyrical libretto in English of
"To be or Not to be"
To the potential composers:
After listening to this most important aria,
"To be or not to be"
in my opera of Hamlet, a potential composer should use this aria to audition for this new opera.
Please send me your music on CD or other digital media (playable in Windows) of the aria in voice and piano.
If I feel the work is what I am looking for, (i.e., a lyrical dynamic opera that will appeal to the general public) we can talk about a partnership.
This would be the fourth opera composed in my quartet of 'Operas for Everyone'.
It has long been my dream to create opera works that would have popular
appeal for Americans, thus I have created works from Shakespeare's plays
that interested me the most and that I felt had the best opportunity
to be good opera material.
It has always been a wonder to me that the
greatest collection of literature in the world has no great opera successes
based upon the works of Shakespeare. It is well documented that the
Europeans have written many adaptations of Shakespeare's Hamlet, MacBeth,
Antony & Cleopatra, and Othello.
These works seem to have a small modicum of success in Europe but these
undisputed great works do not resonate with the American public
over all. It is my opinion the fault lies in the fact that few of
the composers created melodic arias for the main characters.
So the task as I see it has been left to me to adapt Shakespeare's works
into rhyming couplets and find composers who are inspired by my librettos
to write lyrical, bel canto versions that will have a mass appeal for
the english speaking public. I have used the best of the english language
to make the works seem Shakespearian in tone, but use words that can
be easily understood by the English speaking public so there is immediate comprehension.
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As of this date I have two works completed by a genius of opera composition,
a Mr. Gerard Chiusano, and a whimsical composition of Iago by a marvelous composer, Mr. Flip Hayner. Newly added are several wonderful libretto adaptations from Chekhov now being perused for assignment.
I hope you enjoy the librettos and our attempt at exposing the English
speaking public to the marvelous world of opera.
